Autumn Days

 Last week we had a cold snap which just about threw us into full on winter mode.  But this week…it’s lovely.  I always wait for our Indian Summer.  I think this is it.  

Enjoying some porch sitting this morning and just sitting here in awe of the beauty our Lord gives us each day.  Our leaves are turning really quickly now.  We know what’s coming but these last few days have been so beautiful I had to do some porch sitting.  Have you ever really stopped and watch leaves fall from the trees? I don’t know if I’ve really ever paid that much attention.  As I sit here watching them fall from our very tall trees I notice that each one falls differently, much like the ripples in the water after a stone has been tossed or how each snowflake is different.  I noticed this today as I watched some fall.  It’s so pretty to see them dance in the breeze.  Some leaves take a rather sharp nose dive but others meander their way down to the ground as if in a dance.  It actually made me both chuckle and cry at the same time.  Only God!  

I’m feeling a bit more contemplative these days.  I think loss does this to us.  This past year I have grieved my mom, worked hard to close her estate, which is still in progress.  Lost two precious grand babes and have a very dear friend who is not doing well with cancer.  Being more intentional right now is the air that I breath.  I only need simple and little things to bring me joy.  I praise Him for the little details that we don’t often notice.  I thank him for a few warm days.  Praising Him for the squirrels that gather for the birds that will hang around through winter.  

I’d like to encourage you today.  To notice something little that you never paid attention to before and give Him all the honor and glory for His little details.  

Wishing you a day full of blessings!
